Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Miracle in the Ambulance!

Last week Pastor Efrain called me from San Pablo, La Laguna to tell me of a miracle that happened with a women in San Pablo. She was having difficulty delivering her baby so the ambulance was called to transport her to the hospital. Efrain's wife Betty was asked to go with the mom as she does a lot of in home deliveries in the community. Betty said the mom had run out of strength to push the baby out and subsequently died. She had been dead for almost an hour before Betty got in the ambulance with the medics. Betty said she felt the presence of God in the ambulance and she laid her hand on the womb of the deceased mom and began to pray, "The blood of Jesus has power!" Suddenly the mom came back to life and the baby was delivered. The baby was not breathing and the doctor remarked that at least the life of the mother had been saved. Betty cleaned off the baby and cleared out is mouth from the junk it had swallowed. When the ambulance arrived at the hospital the baby began to cry! It too had come back to life. The doctor and the medic in the ambulance were astonished at what had happened and declared that this truly was a miracle from God!

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