Tuesday, February 17, 2015

An Intimate God

A new movie has come out in time for Valentine’s Day but it is not a movie that promotes healthy wholesome or intimate relationships.  The movie “50 Shades of Gray” depicts relationships between men and women in degrading ways according to those who have read the book or seen the movie.
Wikipedia wrote:  Fifty Shades of Grey has topped best-seller lists around the world, including those of the United Kingdom and the United States.[5][6] The series has sold over 100 million copies worldwide and been translated into 52 languages,[7] and set a record in the United Kingdom as the fastest-selling paperback of all time.
It is a sad statement about the moral condition of our culture and an insult to all who understand what God desires between men and women.  We have lost the true meaning of intimacy and have replaced it with carnal attractions and fleshly exploitation of the opposite sex.
Valentine’s Day has an interesting history that a friend of mine sent me this past week.
Saint Valentine was a 14th century Roman Catholic priest. His emperor had forbidden marriages, because they felt married men made worse soldiers in a time of war. So living together without a marriage covenant was common, and so was polygamy. St. Valentine believed God's plan of covenant marriage for one man and one woman was the best model. So he would secretly marry couples. For breaking this law, he was arrested, jailed and ended up suffering a triple martyrdom - beating, torture and decapitation. Legend says one of his judges had a daughter who was blind. Valentine prayed for her and she was healed. His last letter from jail was to her, and he signed it...
..."from your Valentine".

God desires us
God created us for intimacy in our relationship with him first and in our relationship with each other.  He created us with the capacity and ability to have an intimate relationship with him.  But what is intimacy, how do we define it so we can understand if we really are experiencing it?
The dictionary defines it as: a close familiar and affectionate personal relationship;  a close association with a deep understanding of a place subject, etc. A sexual relationship.
God created man to have a close personal relationship with him.  At its foundation is God’s covenant love for mankind.  He created man not out of a need he had but a love that he could share with someone who he created with the capacity to both give and receive love.  John the apostle of love stated,  
1 John 4.19 We love because he first loved us.
God gave man the same nature of love he has to man. With the ability to love comes the ability to become intimate with God and with another person.  God wants to be personal with us.  He wants to share his love with us and receive love back from us.  The natural consequence of being loved is that you desire to be with the person who loves you. The love God had for Adam and Eve provided the security they needed to be in a relationship with God.  Adam came to know God through his encounters with him through his creation but also in his conversations with God. 
God desires intimacy with us.  He is not a God who stands away and does not want to be involved in our lives as Deists believe. He is a person with characteristics like us. He has feelings, emotions, desires, thoughts, and the ability to communicate with us.    His conversations with Adam must have been an amazing time of learning for Adam.  He came to him in the cool of the evening to have a time of fellowship with Adam.  We can only speculate what was involved in the conversation between them.  When we look at examples of people in the Bible who had close relationships with God we see that God was the initiator.  It was his desire to reveal himself and have a personal relationship.  God sought out Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, David, by choosing them, speaking to them and calling them into an intimate relationship with him.  Intimacy is initiated by God, it is his desire to relate to each one of us in a deep and personal way. 

God invites us
He not only desires an intimate friendship with us but he invites us into the relationship.  In our human relationships a similar process happens.  We begin with a desire to know someone because there is an attraction to them.  But unless an invitation is given to have that person join you for an activity where conversation can occur you will never be able to have knowledge of the person that can lead to a deep and personal relationship.  As humans we understand that there is a risk of rejection by the other person.  We may want to know them better but the feeling may not be mutual and they may say no to our invitation.  But if the invitation is accepted then the door is open to at least pursue a close relationship with the person.  God extends the invitation to all of us to be in an intimate relationship with him.  To know him for who he truly is and not as others may have stereotyped him to be.  He invited Moses to spend 40 days on Mount Sinai to understand how he wanted to relate to the people and the people to relate to him.  Moses had an intimate relationship with God and was known as one who spoke to God as a friend.
11 Thus the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. (Ex 33:11).
God described himself to Moses when he passed before him.
  6 The LORD passed before him, and proclaimed,     “The LORD, the LORD,     a God merciful and gracious,     slow to anger,     and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness,     7      keeping steadfast love for the thousandth generation,    forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin,     yet by no means clearing the guilty,     but visiting the iniquity of the parents     upon the children     and the children’s children,     to the third and the fourth generation. (Ex 34:6–7).
The book of Song of Songs is a description of two people in love but it is also a description of God’s desire and invitation to each one of us.
          My beloved speaks and says to me: “Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away; (So 2:10).
God is our lover, he wants to take us away just as a one who loves desires to be alone with just the person he or she loves.  Human love and its desires is like God’s love and desires for each one of us.  He invites us to come away with him.
In his relationship with Israel he invited them to come to him and reason or argue with him so that their relationship could be restored.  It was an invitation to have a conversation with him so that the problems between them could be resolved.
    8      Come now, let us argue it out,   says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be like snow;   though they are red like crimson,  they shall become like wool. (Is 1:18).

Jesus invited his disciples to come and follow him to be a part of his ministry. 
19 And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.” 20 Immediately they left their nets and followed him (Mt 4:19–20).
Zacchaeus was a tax collector who responded to Jesus’ request to meet him at his house.  Luke 19.5
Jesus extended the invitation to all who were weary and heavy laden with the burdens of the law to come to him and learn of him and he would give them rest.  Matthew 11.28
28 “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
The invitation to intimacy is extended to each one of us and we have the choice daily whether we will accept it or ignore it.

God Waits for us
Not only is God desiring intimacy and extending the invitation to intimacy but he patiently waits for us to respond.  He does not force a relationship upon us. As we respond to draw near to him, he promises to draw near to us. 
James 4. 8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.
The church in Laodicea had grown lukewarm.  They thought they had it all together but Jesus said they were in a condition that was not pleasing to him.  Yet his desire was to be connected with them.   And he called them to repentance.  He invited them to respond to him as he knocked on the door.  He waited for them to open it and allow him in so he could have fellowship with them.
Revelation 3.20  20 Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me.
He waits for us to respond to his invitation.  One day I had an image of how God looks at each one of us and desires our fellowship as I viewed my baby daughter sleeping in her crib.  I stood beside her bed and waited until she woke up to be able to pick her up and hold her. I pictured Jesus waiting at the foot of my bed, watching me as I slept and waiting for me to awaken so he could have a conversation with me.  We serve a God who enjoys our fellowship with him.  He wants to spend time with us and communicate to us. 
One of the disciplines of our lives is spending time each day with the Lord through his Word, prayer, meditation and reflection. Life gets very busy for most of us, the demands of ministry and work are calling us from the moment we wake up until we go to sleep. Jesus experienced this as he ministry began to draw many people who literally pressed in on him.  He had to get away.
15 But now more than ever the word about Jesus spread abroad; many crowds would gather to hear him and to be cured of their diseases. 16 But he would withdraw to deserted places and pray. (Lk 5:14–16).
Carving out time in our day to sit in the presence of the Lord is critical to all that we do. Do whatever it takes to make your appointment with the Lord each day. Make it a habit in your life and protect that time from being stolen or interrupted by things that are not as important.  Throughout the day imagine that he is right beside you ready to converse with you. He desires our fellowship, he invites us to be with him and he patiently waits for us to be with him.  We can be as intimate with God as we want to be.
We can be ourselves with him, he knows us better than we know ourselves.  Our fears, anxieties, our disappointments, our troubles, our sins, our hopes and dreams are all known by him and he cares about everything that affects us each day.  He wants us to share these things with him and he will respond to help us in every situation. 

Tonight you may be here and you feel far from God.  You have allowed business to steal your time or maybe you have strayed from the path and need to get back on track with the Lord.  He is a God who always desires our fellowship, always extends the invitation to intimacy and patiently waits for our response.  Take the time now to return to him so you can once again experience his love and close relationship he wants with you.

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