Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ministry in India

Outreach to India
Out DTS left for India on October 23.  We have had great ministry opportunities everywhere we have traveled.  We spent our first week working with YWAM Chennai doing street evangelism and had great response from the people.  We then move on to Gunter in Andra Pradesh where we worked with Oasis World Ministries conducting a 3 night crusade and doing ministry in the villages and in a church.  We saw over 1000 people make decisions to follow Christ and many people were healing of chronic pain, hearing problems and blindness.  We traveled on to Anantapur an in route dedicated 3 fresh water wells that were donated by families and churches in the USA.  Each well will serve at least 50 families in the community and provide clean water.  In Anantapur we conducted meeting in the streets and churches. It was an awesome experience to see the people respond to the gospel message and we had very fruitful ministry. We totally enjoyed the hospitality of the churches that hosted our team.  We returned by train to Chennai and will be working with YWAM Chennai for the last weeks of our outreach doing street ministry, childrens ministry and we will be partnering with a church to host an open air meeting in which we will invite the sick to come and be prayed for healing.  The church is calling it "Miracle Friday" and it will be held on November 23.  Please continue to pray for our team of 10 as we finish our final 3 weeks in India.

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