Friday, March 6, 2009

The Road Less Traveled..March 2009

Greetings from Guatemala! There is a little chill in the air as I write, sort of unusual for this time of year as we approach much warmer weather. It reminds me of Minnesota Spring weather that brings hope that the snow and cold will soon be gone. I am a little under the weather today, fighting a cold and congestion and I would appreciate your prayers for good health.
Antigua has entered into the annual Lent season that is marked by numerous processions and thousands of tourists coming to town. It is an opportunity to share Christ with people and we plan to take advantage of the season to make an eternal impact on people's lives. We have a couple of teams coming for about a week of ministry in mid March and another group coming in April/May. We look forward to working with them to facilitate ministry experiences and help them grow in their faith and understanding of how God can use them on the mission field. Please keep these teams in your prayers that God will protect them as they travel and minister and direct their steps each day as they set out to accomplish the ministry that is planned for the day.
During the first week of February I went to San Pablo La Laguna to work with a team from Canada who came to help with the construction of the health clinic at Pastor Efrain's home. We started at 3 a.m. on Sunday morning pouring the roof with the help of about 40 men from the church. By 3 p.m. we were done, a long day of manual labor but very rewarding to see how much was accomplished. The sponsoring church from near Toronto raised the funds to be able to do the work and also left money to be able to finish the interior work. I will be heading back to San Pablo this weekend to visit with Pastor Efrain and see the progress on the project. I will also be connecting with a nurse who is working in a city nearby to see if she can help staff the health clinic when it officially opens. A couple of doctors have committed to donate their time each week and month to help meet the medical needs of the people. Please pray that God will put it in the hearts of medical people to help with the clinic and that the medical supplies needed will also be available. Health care is a major need in this city.
After we finished the roof project we then focused on building a home for a family of 7. The father, Francisco, is a block layer so he and his sons were working with us during the 4 days of construction. It was a pleasure to get to know him and his family. Francisco has been a believer for 2 years. Prior to coming to faith in Christ, he was a drunk who often slept on the streets and lived in filthy clothes. When he returned home he was abusive to his wife and children. His wife began attending Pastor Efrain's church and they prayed for Francisco. Their prayers were answered and Francisco is a completely different person. His love for his wife and his children is very evident in the way he treats them. His sons are hardworkers and very respectful to their father and mother. The family was living in an adobe style home that had only 2 rooms. The four boys slept in a very small room that had one bed that was essentially 3 planks of wood with no mattress. Only 2 of the boys could fit on the bed so the other 2 slept on the ground and they traded places every other night. The boys were delighted when we built them a 3 level bunk bed with mattresses on each bed. Two of the boys will share a bed as it is big enough for both of them. The family was very thankful to have a home of their own with more space than they presently have. It was a blessing for me to be able to talk with the family and encourage them in their faith.
The team also brought clothing to give away and I was able to get a large amount of clothing from a company nearby. Pastor Efrain's wife and a couple of ladies in our group assembled 160 bags of clothing to give away in the community.
Two of our neighbors, Gladys and Nelson are now attending school with the financial help of supporters connected to our ministry. Gladys is 13 and Nelson is 8 years old and they are enjoying each day at school. Often I give them a ride into Antigua and take them home at night when I am in town. They are both doing very well and are very appreciative of the opportunity to go to school. Their dad is living in the USA and was sending money to the family but Gladys said he stopped sending it recently. I don't know why but nonetheless the family like many families has needs and because of your support they are able to go to school. Four other children are also able to attend school through the scholarship money provided. Thank you for your support, it really does make a difference.
We are praying for a few more teams to come to Guatemala to work with us this summer. We have 2 potential groups coming in June and July but we would like to have at least 2 more by the end of July or early August. Please pray that God will connect us with the groups that are interested in coming to do ministry.
Our other on-going ministries are doing well: Kid's Bible Club, ESL classes, worship and prayer services at Higher Grounds and Soul Patrol evangelism. We are planning to conduct a Leadership seminar in May with Pastor Efrain and then will be hosting a 4 day workshop May 18-21 on support raising for people in faith based ministries. Please continue to pray that God will guide us and use us in these ministries.
I am blessed to be able to work with dedicated staff and ask that you hold them up in prayer as well as they raise financial support and carry out the ministries God has given them. I would love to have more staff join us to provide more support for what we are already undertaking.
Our Fall Discipleship Training Program will begin September 6, 2009. We have several students inquiring about attending and I would like to be able to see 5 Guatemalan youth be a part of the program. They will need financial assistance to be able to come. If you would like to help sponsor a student please let me know.
Thank you for your prayers for the ministry and for me personally. James said, "You have not because you ask not." Prayer is our life line with God and your prayers are what make possible the ministry in Guatemala. Thanks also for the gifts of support that you faithfully and sacrificially give. I am grateful for the financial provision to meet our needs.

For Him,

Correspondence address:
Bruce Ahlberg
6ta Av. N. #33
Antigua, Guatemala

Contribution address:
YWAM Chico
15850 Richardson Springs Road
Chico, CA 95973
(please attach a note to designate your gift)

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