Our YWAM base in Antigua, Guatemala will be offering a new Discipleship Training School designed for motorcyclists. The MC DTS will be conducted in both Guatemala and in the USA. The classroom phase will begin on February 19, 2012 at our base in Antigua. This is a beautiful time of year to be in Guatemala, the weather will be 75-80 degrees each day with lots of sunshine. Participants will also get to experience the huge celebration in Antigua during the Holy Week where thousands of people come to Antigua. But most importantly it will be a time of drawing near to God, seeking Him and learning from him what it means to be a believer.
The outreach phase will be conducted in the USA at the conclusion of the classroom phase. We are planning on visiting several areas of the USA on motorcycle to work with a variety of people groups. Our focus will be evangelism, discipleship and mercy ministries.
Class size will be extremely limited due to the nature of the DTS. You can get more information as well as an application at our YWAM Antigua website: www.ywamantigua.org